Clowns of the World

Clowns of the World is website about the different types of clowns around the world.  Click on the links below to view a description of the various types of clowns and a little bit about their history. For more images of clowns past and present visit

Pantalone: With a hooked nose and an almost witch-like appearance, Pantalone embodied the spirit of meddlesome evil in the plays of the Commedia dell' Arte. Pantalone's actions were not as sinister as his costume. He simply meddled in the affairs of others, primarily those of Arlecchino and the maid Colombine, the female character Arlecchino was usually courting. The old codger would always try to thwart the romance, a precursor to the eventual plot of Romeo and Juliet.

Love would eventually triumph to the immediate chagrin and eventual acceptance of the old meddler. The foregoing was by no means a script that was unfailingly adhered to in the harlequinade. Pantalone, as would the other characters, become involved in a series of wild scenes which differed from show to show. However, the eventual result was usually the same. Harlequin would win, Pantalone would lose. In many ways, Pantalone was the first classical melodramatic villain. His character finds a place in clowning with a sneer, our favorite antagonist deserving boo's and perhaps a timely tomato.